Selecting and Evaluating Technology


How to best select technology for kids' students with disabilities? 

What is the process that Dell text uses to describe selection of AT? What are the steps? 

What are some resources that can be used to help with AT selection? 

We can best select and evaluate technology by reviewing the cost of the potential the specific technology gives you and its given effect on the learning process (eLearning Industry)., AT3 Center provides training and technical assistance for schools and programs in the AT ACT Section 4 State and territory Assistive Technology Program.  

Pick a technology device that is not hard to manage (eLearning Industry) 

 The process that the Dell texts uses to describe the selection of AT is the SETT framework. That at first not every technology will work, we go by the student's interest and abilities, conducting an IEP meeting, considering the pre-requisites as needed, and re-evaluating as well. (Dell, 2017)

World Health Organization.  

Make sure the application and technology you are going to use is reliable, effective, and can make the educational process easier (eLearning Industry). 

The steps of selecting and evaluating technology are:

"1. Use of a team approach

2. Focus on the students' needs and abilities

3. Examination of the specific tasks to be completed.

4. Consideration of relevant environmental issues

5. Trial use of assistive technology tools

6. Providing necessary supports

7. Viewing assessment as an ongoing process". (Dell, 2017)

Healthcare Professionals: Occupational Therapist 

Speech Therapist 


Both of these professionals work together to identify needed objectives for student success in the classroom and in other areas where technology would be of use (Shuster, 1993).  

Focus on user-friendly solutions (eLearning Industry).  





AT3Center. (2023). Accessible training, technique assistance, AT programs. Retrieved from   

Dell. (8, January 2003). Assistive technology. Retrieved from:  

Dell, A. G., Newton, D. A., & Petroff, J. G. (2017). Assistive technology in the classroom: Enhancing the school experiences of students with disabilities. Pearson.

Dikusar, A. The use of technology in special education. Retrieved February 10, 2023. Retrieved from: The Use Of Technology In Special Education - eLearning Industry 


Shuster, N. (1, November 1993). Addressing assistive technology needs in special education. Retrieved from: 

World Health Organization. (18, May 2018). Assistive technology. Retrieved from:   

The Use of Technology in The Special Education Classroom | Shari Duddy

 duddy, Published byshari. “The Use of Technology in the Special Education Classroom: Shari Duddy.” Shari Duddy | Educator & Special Ed New Jersey, 26 Oct. 2021,

 “Using the Sett Framework.” YouTube, 5 June 2014,



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